Earthquake Kelley (Boxer)

Earthquake Kelly

Former heavyweight boxer Earthquake Kelly was tormented as a child by his father who was deep into the dark arts, had died of a drug overdose and went to hell as a teenager, became a believer and died twice more saw heaven, his murdered son and came back.

Truth is stranger than fiction, in this case, here is his remarkable story…

Kat Kerr

Kat Kerr Revealing Heaven

Kat Kerr has been taken by the Spirit of God on tours of Heaven and has now been encouraged to reveal what she was shown.

Trusting in Jesus for Forgiveness (No Sidebar)


In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram. Propterea sicut per unum hominem in hunc mundum peccatum intravit et per peccatum mors et ita in omnes homines mors pertransiit in quo omnes peccaverunt. Iustificati igitur ex fide pacem habeamus ad Deum per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum. Omnes enim peccaverunt et egent gloriam Dei.

You Were Created for God’s Glory (Video Only)

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Sic enim dilexit Deus mundum ut Filium suum unigenitum daret ut omnis qui credit in eum non pereat sed habeat vitam aeternam. Omnis enim quicumque invocaverit nomen Domini salvus erit. Et ait faciamus hominem ad imaginem et similitudinem nostram et praesit piscibus maris et volatilibus caeli et bestiis universaeque terrae omnique reptili quod movetur in terra. In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram.